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New Year's Resolutions

明けましておめでとうございます! Happy New Year! 2016!

みなさん年が変わった瞬間、何をしていましたか?私は人生で初めてのライフルを撃って新年を迎えました!!!笑 大きな音と銃の反動にとっても驚きました。弾丸のごとく駆け抜ける一年になりそうです(笑)
What did you do the moment it turned 2016? I was shooting rifle for the first time!! I was so surprised by the sound and recoil. I will run through this year like the bullet. haha

Decided 10 resolutions of this year, so I will write here and achieve them.

①健康 Health
Nothing is more important than health. Especially I am abroad and it takes time to get used to weather, a life, food and farmworks. If I become sick, cannot do anything. I will lead a regulated life and take a good sleep.

②有機農業の研究 Research of organic farming
I will find what is superior to conventional farming from a comparative study. I will also learn organic farming system which decrease disadvantages of organic farming.

③英語の上達 Improving English
Will improve my English more and more! Talk with English speakers everyday and learn it from conversations. I have three goals. To understand native speakers conversations and talk with them. To understand English TV, movies or videos more than 80%. To Take 900 scores on TOEIC.

④思考力を高める Critical-thinking
Realised importance of thinking. It’s hard to get soon, but will acquire a habit of ‘think well and then act’ step by step. I will think of ‘why do we do that?’ so we will be able to see a whole aspect and increase efficiency.

⑤物事を先々済ませる Get things done as soon as I can
I will get things I have to do done as soon as possible.

⑥毎日英語で日記をつける Write an English diary everyday
I have written down a diary since I started studying abroad. Look back a day, what I learn and how I feel while writing it. It’s quite important time for me.

Get to know three new things a day (about agriculture, English, Culture, tradition, history, food or whatever!)
Can know more than 1,000 things this year! What I learned today is that ①A dog host family has got is not only a pet, but also puts pigs escape from fence back, ②About Australian day on 26th JAN, ③When we feed pigs red capsicums, they make red poo.

⑧10か国旅行する Travel 10 countries
Travel broadens the mind and my horizons.

⑨オーガニック商品を試してみる Try organic products
I am a bit stingy, so hesitate to buy expensive organic products. By writing here ‘Try organic ones’ I can feel ‘It’s one of this year’s resolution! I should buy them!’ haha

⑩1日1笑 Laugh once a day
Laugh more than once a day. I think I am laughing more than 100 times on the farm xD


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長尾 愛
トビタテ!留学JAPAN 2期生 Australia/WWOOF UK/Newcastle University/NEFG(Nafferton Ecological Farming Group) 英国ニューカッスル大学 大学院生 Organic Farming and Food Production Systems 練習のため、英語でも書いていきたいです!

長尾 愛さんの海外ストーリー